Distressed Relationships

Resolve, Restore, Renew

Infidelity, betrayal, and conflict create distress.

At first, you couldn’t believe this was happening. How could there be so many lies? Why did the one person you thought you could always depend on betray you like this?

Suddenly, the love you thought would stand the test of time is in shambles. None of the apologies, explanations, or promises of a brighter future seem to heal the wounds.

Feelings of fear and inadequacy have turned to anger. Even though you both want to save your relationship, there are still unanswered questions and so much doubt.

You just can’t seem to reclaim the trust you once had. No matter how hard you both try, the reality of what has happened keeps getting in the way.

You want things to be like they were but have no idea how to make that happen or even if it’s possible.

Two ships are passing in the night.

Now, you have a distant and silent partnership. You haven’t had a meaningful conversation in weeks. It’s just bills, kids, and work.

Your relationship is cold and lonely. You aren’t happy anymore and know that you can’t live in a relationship without passion for much longer.

Something has got to change. You wonder if maybe it’s just time to call it quits, but then remember how good it used to be.

Let me help you retrace those steps, find each other again, and renew what was once your most important relationship.

Emerge from darkness.

It takes courage to face the intimate truths that have challenged your relationship; but resolution, recovery, and renewal are possible.

Reconnecting with that loving partner you once knew is closer than ever. Of course, it takes a commitment to look at where you started and how you got to this point.

Gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner is key to reimagining what your life together can be.

It also takes the care and guidance of an experienced and well-trained therapist who understands the complexities of intimacy and the struggle that so many couples face.

I’ve worked with and witnessed the transformation of many relationships, and I’m here to help you bridge the gap to a brighter future.

Time to come back together!

It’s time to resolve, restore, and renew your relationship.

Let me help you take that first step toward renewal!

Call (504) 372-0010 for a free 15-minute consultation or to schedule our first session.