Trauma Recovery

Healing, Releasing, Reclaiming

Where does it come from?

There it is again! You’re standing in the middle of the grocery, and he walks by. You’ve never met him, never seen him before. But suddenly your fists tighten, you can’t speak – and all you can do is stand there, frozen, terrified to move.

Or maybe last night like or so many nights before, you couldn’t follow through. Intimacy with this person who you love the most just isn’t going to happen.

Sometimes, it’s the sudden joyful shriek of a child playing or the unexpected clang of an unfamiliar sound that seems to stop your heart and make you feel as though you must run for cover.

Maybe you wake up terrified in the middle of the night; can’t stand being around other people; or dark, unexplained dread sets in for what seems like no reason at all.

The underlying cause is unclear.

Whether it comes from painful childhood experiences, witnessing horrific events, or becoming the victim of a crime, trauma can steal moments of joy and paralyze your ability to live a full life.

For some, these traumatic events are vivid recollections that pop into consciousness when triggered by what seems like the most innocent of experiences.

Still, for others, memories remain a mystery, hidden inside the mind, haunting their victim, and waiting to be discovered.

Healing and recovery are possible!

Traumatic memories have controlled your life for far too long. It’s time to reclaim your power and live a life free from anger, fear, and pain.

It takes time and patience to move forward, but with every step along the way you’ll experience increased freedom and know the power of healing.

The process isn’t always easy. But with the guidance and expertise of an experienced, compassionate professional, transformation is possible.

I’ve worked with many individuals, couples, and families who have witnessed the joy of breaking free from the past. I’m here to help you each step along the way.

Healing starts here!

Together, we’ll discover the source of pain, heal the wounds, and help you reclaim your life.

Take charge of your life, and let’s get started.

Call (504) 372-0010 now for a free 15-minute consultation or to schedule our first session.